After the first version of the Hamburg quiz, which is available for free in the store, we have developed a picture quiz with highscore mode. This time it comes to fast reactions under time pressure. Showing of the country's main cities of Hamburg, Kiel and Schwerin in random order cityscapes. If you recognize Hamburg, tap the image. If you think there is another city, you can simply pass the countdown. If you are correct, you earn points for the high score. In the normal version (Here we go!) you have initially 4 seconds to decide. From image to image, the time is getting shorter! The professional version is only half the reaction time, but also more points per hit.For those who believe to know Hamburg, it is a great pleasure to test his knowledge and responsiveness.Tip: It is of advantage to know the free Hamburg Quiz, because this game contents the same pictures. So it pays to have played it before.
In the instructions menu there is also a link to the new Hamburg wall and table calendars for the 2015th
In the next update we will be installing a high score list on Google Play. So now you can already practice times and compete with friends and relatives in Hamburg Quiz PLUS. Who knows the city best?